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Tag: Google

Google patent strategy and what it means

Article observing the seo lessons learned from Google’s patent strategy

Keep up, Google to rank sites by speed.

Over the course of 2009, a consistent theme that Google has been involved with is that of speed. In announcement after announcement, Google has talked about the importance of speed on the web, and how the company wants to do everything it can to make the web a faster place.

Hello HTML 5

Excellent video blog from ‘Google Developers’ introducing HTML 5 explaining the accelarating user experience becoming available to web users. Introducing HTML 5 Back to blog / Back to Evisible

Yahoo plays catch up

Yahoo announce streamlined Mail and enhanced search

Google apps developed especially for Portsmouth University

Portsmouth University is expanding its dedicated webmail service by partnering with Google to provide a suite of Google apps including the popular word processor and spreadsheet applications ad free, to students at the South Coast University. Is this a sign of Google driving uptake of its ‘Office’ competitor through academic communities, after all, it is…
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Beyond Google

Although Google is by far the biggest and fastest beast in the paddock, search is evolving.

Data Centres at Dawn

Google and Microsoft duel over infrastructure during user meeting Article from the Register Back to blog / Back to Evisible

Paid link snitching

We know that for some time now Google has been less than enamoured with the practice of paying for inbound links to pass page rank and as such improve key term ranking for commercial websites. Now they have gone further and have set up a reporting service for Google account holders to report sites that…
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Evisible achieve Google top rank for ‘understanding SEO’

Although not ones to go for trophy rankings, preffering instead to focus on more meaningful metrics like traffic and conversions. We were secretly a little smug to have achieved a number one ranking in Google UK for the key term ‘Understanding SEO’. So much so that we took a sneaky screen shot. Back to blog…
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Google to update algorithm… again!

It’s that time of year again, this article claims an ‘exclusive’ on the news that Google is finally bearing down on the ‘Black Hat’ community by updating its omnipitant algorithm to weed out sites that rely on spurious back links to attain high rank on the big G. (Gasp) Really not sure this is news…
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